🙋‍♀️ 🙋‍♂️ Unlock the Future: #7 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint

:rocket: Dear Community enthusiasts, are you up to Unlock the Future further?

Virtual series day 7 happened today : See Unlock the Future: Join the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint - Day 7 at UiPath Visakhapatnam and now it’s time to put your skills to the test.

Are you ready for #7 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint , crafted together with @pradeep_ch , @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu and with the help of @loredana_ifrim & @Ana_Bulhac ? Let’s level up your UiPath skills! :rocket:

:point_down: Here is the Challenge #7 we have in store for you :confetti_ball::

  • USE CASE 13

Automation of Jira Issue Creation

Automate the Project Management Issue creation

Problem Statement:
When we are working in a project management tool automation of incident creation plays important role In this use case will see automation of issue creation in Jira

  1. Create API Token:
    Create a API Token.
  2. Fill value:
    Fill all the value in the issue.
  3. Create Issue and Validate:
    Create and validate the ticket.
  • USE CASE 14

Extract/Update/Delete/Post Data Using UiPath API Automation

Automate the extraction and validation of data from a JSON through UiPath API Automation

Problem Statement:
You need to create a UiPath automation workflow that performs the following tasks:

  1. Get Data:
    Extract data from JSON and perform some operation.
  2. Post Data:
    Implement the creation of new data.
  3. Update Data:
    For any Json we have to update the data like name, DOB or some other field then we are using PUT Method.
  4. Delete:
    Whenever it comes on a modification or deletion of information DELETE Operation plays an important role.

:date: Event Date: Today onwards!

:timer_clock: Deadline : Quiz submissions must be submitted no later than the 2024-09-25T20:59:00Z, your time-zone!

Scoring System

  • All submissions earn one star :star2: for participation, regardless of correctness.
  • Correct solutions/Quiz answers receive 5 stars :star2:.
  • The most creative/best practice solution earns an additional maximum 5 stars :star2:.

Feel free to dive into our Beginners Learning Challenge #1 above :point_up_2: and begin sharing your creative submissions.

Thank you and good luck,

UiPath Community


@deepak.rai6 can you please upload jira issues sheet for our reference?


jira_issues_to_create.xlsx (8.7 KB)
Here is the excel.


Hi @UiPath_Community

Thanks @loredana_ifrim @pathrudu @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran @deepak.rai6
Its a great learning on API

Use Case - 13 Solution
Jitendra Saroj_Usecase 13_Automation of Jira Issue Creation.zip (10.7 KB)

Use Case - 14 Solution
JitendraSaroj_Usecase 14_API Automation.zip (4.5 KB)


HI @deepak.rai6 can we use jira activities to create issue instead of api?


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 7/10 :white_check_mark:

Completed two exciting use cases: Jira Issue creation and API Methods.

I’m truly grateful to the incredible MVP experts for providing this chance to expand my skills and knowledge.:rocket:

Excited for continued growth and collaboration ahead!

uipath rpa automation api Methods jira issue creation #LearningSprint #Day7

Thank you @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrimspace_invader @deepak.rai6 @pradeep_ch :dizzy:

Jira_Usecase13.zip (10.2 KB)

API Methods_Usecase 14.zip (3.4 KB)


I’m thrilled to share that I’ve completed two exciting use cases: Jira Issue Creation and API Methods.
Usecase13_Jira.zip (39.9 KB)
Usecase14-ExtractUpdateDeletePostDataUsingUiPathAPIAutomation.zip (163.9 KB)
A huge thank you to the incredible team who made this possible: @loredana_ifrimspace_invader, @pathrudu, @pradeep_ch, @AutomationX_by_Kiran, and @deepak.rai6! Your dedication and hard work are truly appreciated.

#Teamwork #Success #Innovation #Gratitude


Hi All,

Successfully Completed the Use-Cases Of Day-7 :white_check_mark:

Automation of Jira Issue Creation.zip (190.0 KB)

APIRequestMethods.zip (17.6 KB)

@Hyperautomation-ai ,@loredana_ifrim , @pathrudu, @pradeep_ch, @AutomationX_by_Kiran, and @deepak.rai6



:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 7/10 :white_check_mark:

:memo: Solved two exciting use cases Jira Issue Creation and API Methods.

Huge thankyou to the team @deepak.rai6 @pathrudu @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran @loredana_ifrim for the amazing session.

UseCase13_JiraTicketCreation.zip (203.8 KB)
UseCase14_APIAutomation.zip (195.9 KB)

1 Like

:rocket: Unlocking the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

:sparkles: Successfully completed Day 7 of our hands-on learning sprint! :fire:

:white_check_mark: I tackled two exciting use cases—pushing the boundaries of automation!

This immersive session, led by UiPath MVP experts, provided invaluable, hands-on training that’s already taking our skills to the next level. :bulb:

Excited for the next challenge in this incredible journey! Let’s continue to grow and sharpen our automation expertise! :muscle:

UseCase13_Jira Issue Creation.zip (176.1 KB)
UseCase14_API Automation.zip (162.0 KB)

Thank you @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim @pradeep_ch @deepak.rai6

1 Like

Completed two exciting use cases: Jira Issue creation :memo: and API Methods :arrows_counterclockwise:.

I’m truly grateful to the incredible MVP experts for providing this chance to expand my skills and knowledge. :rocket::bulb:

Excited for continued growth and collaboration ahead! :handshake::sparkles:

uipath rpa automation #APIMethods #JiraIssueCreation #LearningSprint #Day7
Automation of Jira Issue Creation.zip (279.3 KB)
API_Methods_UseCase14.zip (155.8 KB)
Thanks @deepak.rai6 @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim

1 Like

Day 7 of 10: Hands-on Learning Sprint Complete! :slightly_smiling_face:

Successfully attempted 02 use case. :handshake:
USE CASE 13: Automation of Jira Issue Creation
USE CASE 14: Extract/Update/Delete/Post Data Using UiPath API Automation

Thank you @Hyperautomation-ai @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran , @pathrudu , @deepak.rai6 and @loredana_ifrim for this opportunity.

USECASE13 Automation of Jira Issue Creation.zip (3.9 KB)
USECASE14 Data Manipulation Using UiPath API Automation.zip (1.3 MB)

1 Like

Hi Community

Thanks @loredana_ifrim @pathrudu @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran @Hyperautomation-ai for the initiative sessions

Use Case 13 Solution
JIRAIssuesCreationProcess.xaml (13.4 KB)

Use Case 14 Solution
APIAutomationProcess.xaml (17.7 KB)

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