🙋‍♀️ 🙋‍♂️ Unlock the Future: #2 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint

:rocket: Dear Community enthusiasts, are you up to Unlock the Future further?

Virtual series day 2 happened today : https://community.uipath.com/events/details/uipath-visakhapatnam-presents-unlock-the-future-join-the-20-use-cases-challenge-learning-sprint-day-2 and now it’s time to put your skills to the test.

Are you ready for #2 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint , crafted together with @pradeep_ch ,@pathrudu and with the help of @loredana_ifrim? Let’s level up your UiPath skills! :rocket:

:point_down: Here is the Challenge #2 we have in store for you :confetti_ball::

  • USE CASE 3

Let AI do the copy paste

Develop a UiPath automation solution to read customer data from an Excel file, complete application form on the RPA Challenge Website

Problem Statement:

  1. Copy-paste the entire excel file with records to a web application with its relevant fields.
  2. Human doesn’t need to tell which value for which field, AI by itself will identify the fields and map the corresponding value from excel, that too in few seconds.

Ref Links:
here : https://forms.gle/8k5HBpeBSnivfSEaA
here: https://forms.gle/Fkhgy3iq91GHgTRz7

Sample File:

challenge.xlsx (12.4 KB)

  • USE CASE 4

Meta Data Changes in Data Scarping

Develop a UiPath automation solution to read data from an portal Datatables.net and sort the extracted data without using any LINQ queries or any data table operations

Sample Data:

:date: Event Date: Today onwards!

:timer_clock: Deadline : Quiz submissions must be submitted no later than the 2024-09-18T20:59:00Z, your time-zone!

Scoring System

  • All submissions earn one star :star2: for participation, regardless of correctness.
  • Correct solutions/Quiz answers receive 5 stars :star2:.
  • The most creative/best practice solution earns an additional maximum 5 stars :star2:.

Feel free to dive into our Beginners Learning Challenge #1 above :point_up_2: and begin sharing your creative submissions.

Thank you and good luck,

UiPath Community


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 2/10 :white_check_mark:
Another amazing hands-on session completed!

:mag: Solved two exciting use cases diving deep into Semantic Activities and Table Extraction concepts—taking automation to new levels!

:hammer_and_wrench: Thanks to the UiPath MVP experts, the learning continues to be immersive and practical, equipping us with skills that are ready for real-world application.

Looking forward to what the next days have in store! :muscle:

uipath rpa automation #SemanticActivities #TableExtraction #LearningSprint #Day2
RPA Challenge.zip (232.0 KB)
Table Extraction.zip (447.5 KB)


Day 2/10 :white_check_mark:

Just finished another Challenge!
Dived into two mind-blowing use cases, getting deep into Semantic Activities and Table Extraction—automation just got a serious upgrade!
Usecase3-aiCopyPaste.zip (336.6 KB)
Usecase4-metaDataScraping.zip (366.7 KB)
Big thanks @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pradeep_ch @pathrudu for taking this forward
Excited for what the next days will bring! :muscle:

uipath rpa automation #SemanticActivities #TableExtraction #LearningSprint #Day2
@loredana_ifrim @Corina_Gheonea


Day 2/10 :white_check_mark:
Another incredible hands-on session wrapped up!

:mag: Tackled two exciting use cases, delving into Semantic Activities and Table Extraction—pushing the boundaries of automation!

:clap: A big shoutout to the UiPath MVP experts for delivering immersive and practical training, arming us with skills that are instantly applicable in real-world scenarios.

Excited for what the upcoming days will bring! :muscle:

uipath rpa automation #SemanticActivities #TableExtraction #LearningSprint #Day2

Thank you @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim @pradeep_ch

RPA Challenge_Usecase3.zip (24.5 KB)
Meta data Table Extraction_Usecase4.zip (13.1 KB)


Day 2 Challenge Completed
Big thanks to @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pradeep_ch @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim for this exciting challenge to boost our skills
Please find attached solution for day 2 challenge
UseCase04.zip (14.3 KB)
UseCase03.zip (33.4 KB)


Hi @loredana_ifrim ,

Thanks for the opportunity,
@AutomationX_by_Kiran @pradeep_ch @pathrudu #UiPathCommunity #VizagChapter #Hyperautomate.ai

User Case-3:
Utilized UiExplorer selector to perform the action with loop.

RPAChallenge.xaml (47.4 KB)

User Case-4:
Extracted and sorted using the website

DatatablesWebsite.xaml (24.7 KB)



:rocket: Unlocking the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

:sparkles: Successfully completed Day 2 of our hands-on learning sprint! :fire:

:white_check_mark: I tackled two exciting use cases, delving into Semantic Activities and Table Extraction—pushing the boundaries of automation!

This immersive session, led by UiPath MVP experts, provided invaluable, hands-on training that’s already taking our skills to the next level. :bulb:

Excited for the next challenge in this incredible journey! Let’s continue to grow and sharpen our automation expertise! :muscle:

UseCase3_RpaChallenge.zip (203.7 KB)
UseCase4_DataScraping.zip (86.4 KB)

Thank you @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim @pradeep_ch


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint - Day 2 :rocket:

Day 2/10 :white_check_mark:

Solved two exciting use cases, taking a deep dive into Semantic Activities and Table Extraction—powerful AI features reshaping the future of automation! :robot::sparkles:

A heartfelt thank you to the organizers @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @pradeep_ch @loredana_ifrim :pray:

Eagerly anticipating the upcoming sessions. :rocket::sparkles:

UseCase3_RPAChallenge.zip (101.7 KB)
UseCase4_DataScraping.zip (373.3 KB)


Day 2/10 :white_check_mark:

finished another Challenge!
Attaching the solution for Day 2 Challenge
JitendraSaroj_Let AI do the copy paste.zip (27.4 KB)
JitendraSaroj_Meta Data Changes in Data Scarping.zip (14.1 KB)

Big thanks @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pradeep_ch @pathrudu for taking this forward
Excited to see what the next days will bring! :muscle:


Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint!

Just completed Day 2 of 10 of the hands-on learning sprint!

Solved two unique use cases leveraging the concepts such Semantic Activities and Table Extraction—powerful AI features reshaping the future of automation!

Thank you, @AutomationX_by_Kiran, @pathrudu
@pradeep_ch for hosting this “20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint!” Your efforts in organizing and delivering such valuable content are truly appreciated.

Excited for the next sessions and challenges.
#hyperautomationai #Vizagcommunity #usecaseseries
Form_Filling.zip (273.9 KB)
Google_formFilling_day2.zip (167.0 KB)
Table_extraction.zip (599.0 KB)


finished another Challenge!

Loved Semantic activities(AI featured)

Thankyou HyperAutomation-ai for the session.
More Excited for the next sessions.

Please Find solution for Day 2 Challenge
Let AI do the copy paste.zip (436.6 KB)
Meta Data Changes in Data Scarping.zip (340.9 KB)


Hi All,

Day 2 Uses Cases Completed Successfully. :white_check_mark:

RPA_challenge_with_AI.zip (542.3 KB) - Use case-3

Sorting_In_DataScraping.zip (796.1 KB) - Use case-4



Unlock the Future: #2 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :robot:

Day 2 of 10: Hands-on Learning Sprint Complete! :slightly_smiling_face:

Successfully attempted 02 use cases.

USE CASE 3: Let AI do the copy paste
USE CASE 4:Meta Data Changes in Data Scraping

Thank You @AutomationX_by_Kiran , @pathrudu , @pradeep_ch , @loredana_ifrimspace_invader for sharing this opportunity.

UseCase3LetAIdothecopypaste.zip (24.9 KB)
UseCase4MetaDataChangesinDataScraping.zip (13.3 KB)