Unable to scrape this image..Is it feasible to?

Hello Everyone,

I am working on a site,
This site looks like below.

Well this site is based on the ship image i have to scrape the data .
The data above the ship imge are actual vaues… so i put it in to some excel file.
The data below are estimated values… again goes to excel file.
Well i am unable to scrpe the Ship image.
And this ship image keeps moving for every record…
also the values can be some times 1 or 2rows above the ship image… and 2 rows , 1 row, or no row below, it can be anything… It keeps on varying.

Is it feasible to do it?

I tried
1.screen scraping
2.Data scraping.
It dint help…


Can you try using find element or element exists activities to find that image @Seem? Just a suggestion

Yes i am able to find the image
using - find image…
But how will i process the records? it gives only the boolean value.

BIT Afraid with this web site

Use a IF condition and pass the boolean value in the IF.

so, if you find the image, you can do some actions in THEN condition or else do anything in ELSE