Unable to save PDF files in specific folder

Dear Experts:

The below folder structure is created already before process. Now after process I will be getting a PDF file for a respective company ( example :- OCBC.pdf), that PDF file should be save in OCBC folder.

But as we can’t redirect it to particular folder, before saving it we need search for the OCBC folder and open it and save it

Process steps:

  1. Read data from excel .

  2. google each row from that excel

  3. open the 1st 3 url from google and save the pdf

  4. the pdf needs to be saved in exact company folder

Kindly help me

@Vadugu try giving the folder path of OCBC directly in the Save As pop up window , while saving pdf , that will open the folder

For every run, company name will changes BOT needs to understand the company name and should save it respective company folder.

Hi @Vadugu
Does the company name available in excel or in website?

In excel

If the company name available in excel, whenever you start reading it save that into variable and while saving the pdf, paste it in the path, for example
In Save As screen: C:\User\Documents\row(2).ToString\Sample1.pdf
You can save it to the separate variable for a better coding: C:\User\Documents
It works dynamically and if the folder is not there it’ll create it on run.

I have done that but no luck

What’s the error?

bot unable to identify the folder ,stop the bot

Folder might not be existing…or can you check the path is given correctly.


please clarify more about your requirements. I have following listed doubts-

  1. Do we have to extract the company name from the excel image you have shared, or there is a separate column depicting company name
  2. Is company name and folder name replicates each other
  3. do we have a particular path for each company, for an example, company OCBC path is ALM–29248–OCBC, or we have to search random for the folder OCBC