Hello Friends, I have 6 Company Profile Name Excel Sheet. I am searching for Company Profile pdf in Google and downloading Company Profile Pdf in Folder. I am sending mail with downloaded company profile pdf from Folder in attachment in SendOutlookMail. I have created variable ‘clientCompanyPath’ and given path of File name in that variable, and given variable in Arguments in Attachment in Send Outlook Mail.
But While running Process, I am getting error as-: Cannot find this file. Verify the file name and path is correct. I tried to debug process. In clientCompanyPath. I am getting double slash in variable. I am attaching workflow, Excel file and Error Screenshot. Please suggest proper solution to this problem.
You can also send me corrected flow on mail id-: rohitlanjewar15@gmail.com
CompanyProfilesPDF.xlsx (9.7 KB)
DownloadSearchCompanyProfileFromExcel.xaml (25.8 KB)
Files.zip (3.5 MB)
Rohit Lanjewar