How to to publish processes from Studio to Orchestrator In PaaS where a generic error is displayed in Studio ?
Issue Description:
Orchestrator configured in Azure Cloud is working fine but when trying to upload or publish any packages from Studio (via upload package) or UiPath (via Publish) an error is displayed:
Studio Error message: "Publish of the process to the Orchestrator failed. An error has occurred"
Orchestrator error message: "Orchestrator.tenantId:1.Component:Processes.Default System.FormatException: No valid combination of account information found.
at CloudStorageAccount Microsoft.Azure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount.Parse(string connectionString)+(string err) => { }"
When installing the Studio by default the installer should create the blob storage - SQL DB is only the repository of the metadata of the packages, these are stored in the blob storage. In the current scenario, the blob storage has not been created.
If the blob storage configuration is missing from UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file or if the original blob storage got deleted, then a new one needs to be created and properly be updated the parameter in the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config. More information about it can be checked in Orchestrator.dll.config .
Also read more on the Azure Storage Explorer To Create Blob .