Hello Team!
I’m new to UiPath, and now I need assistance in creating a datatable containing two columns:
- A filename and 2. the path for the file.
I would like the final datatable to look like this:
I’m able to get both the filename and filepath out of the directory (also the ones from the subfolder), but I’m having issues posting the filepath into the 2. column (FilePath).
I can add a data row with both name and path in the loop, but it will only post in the 1st column (FileName), and it will look like this:
The next step in my program is to compare the column with the filename to a different table containing filenames, and if there is a match, the filepath from the 1st datatable has to be used - that’s why I need them side by side.
All help is gladly accepted and appreciated - keep in mind that I’m new to automation, so simple explanations will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance.