Unable to paste date in field


i have dates in excel and those i need to fill i textbox using type into.
dates are like below format

when i am entering into excel it is typing something like this 01/01/2025 00:00:0023/05
my variable name for entering date is startdate and enddate and i am using datatype as datetime and tried with genericvalue as well but for both same issue and one more thing when i click on simulate type then it is not able to enter but only with activate checked able to enter but in 01/01/2025 00:00:0023/05 this format.
need to enter in below field (end date field is below strat date filed it got hidden due to auto pop up calender after clicking in field)

help me on same to resolve the issue.

@ppr @Yoichi

Hi @Mathkar_kunal , is this option set for the Type Into activity?

yes this option is checked already

@Mathkar_kunal , if you use the date picker manually, what format does the entry have?

this format but if we enter 10/11/2024 like this then also it takes

Ok, can you try Set Text instead of Type Into?

tried set text but not working

Can you try Date.Parse(DateString).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy")

DateString above is the date variable


Convert the date into a datetime datatype and type the string like this.

DateTime.ParseExact(dateStringVariable, "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")

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