Unable to open the property panel in My system

Hi All,

I am unable to open the property panel in my system please do needful to resolve the same.



Click on the properties that you can see in the right side

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I clicked but it is opening

@HeartCatcher You mean is it not opening

yes,after indicating on some activity when I try to open the property panel it is not opening

@HeartCatcher Can you try it before indicating

Tried but not opening

But it is company’s laptop

@HeartCatcher You might be having the same screen

  • Click on the sequence or activity and click on the properties panel (Double click if not works with single click). Now, it opens the below screen

  • Click on the pin that you can see at the extreme right


Now indicate the element and see how it goes

often we do see this view when we are in the debugging mode. As usually often helped we did close and reopen UiPath Studion whenever the Ui is not working as expected.

We assume that the XAML is Not open in a readonly mode, right?

Yes you are right

Hey @HeartCatcher

Is that working ?


Yes it does

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@HeartCatcher Please close this thread if ppr solution helps you

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