Unable to make selection in the drop down menu

Dear All,

I am trying to make a selection in the drop down menu but unable to do it after designing all the steps correctly in the workflow.

Please can anybody suggest a solution. I have used find children and get attribute activities in my workflow.

Take a look:
Main1 - Method2.xaml (22.9 KB)

I am getting following error at the end


Are you using a Select Item activity to pick a specific option from the list box? I downloaded the xaml but it wouldn’t run on my version of studio

Hi @Tom1989,

I’ve experienced the same issue. I would recommend you to do one of the following:

  1. Do a normal Click on the list. Elements in the list may load after a Click is done, and not before.
  2. Simulate Click: Add a Click activity where the selector is the desired option in the list. Be sure to enable the Simulate Click option, as it won’t work otherwise.


In my experience when I have found myself in a similar situation, I have solved it by entering the drop-down through the keyboard using send hotkey or selecting the desired option through a “Click Image” that works with OCR and directing it through if / else

I hope it helps,

A greeting.

Hi @Tom1989,
I have gone through the drop down that you are trying to access and it has been observed that it is neither selected by “Select Item Activity” nor by “Type Into” activity. So use "Hot Keys " to select the values of drop down.
First click on the drop down and give “2000” in the “DelayAfter " property .Now then send hotkeys as per your needs using “Send Hotkey Activity” .For example if you want to select first value ie"Hong Kong” then send “down” key and “enter” .
I hope this helps.

Hello ,
1.You can try using two clicks to select from drop downs.
In the first click select the drop down.
2.In second click, press Fn+F2. Waitfor timer to to reach 0 and immediately select the option in drop down.

I have attached a document for your understanding.

I have used ACME application drop down-
ACME System 1 - Log In
.xaml file for reference-
Drop Down.xaml (6.8 KB)

Hi @Chetan94k,

Can you show me how? I have edited my selector in click activity but it doesn’t work. I tried multiple times but still no change has been observed.

Can you edit my workflow to demonstrate how I can select the item in the drop down?


Can you show me how it can be done in my case. I have tried everything. Select item and click activity do not work even after editing the selector.

Please, can you try at your end and demonstrate the solution to it.


Dont think OCR would be of any help.

Can you show me how it can be done in my case. I have tried everything. Select item and click activity do not work even after editing the selector.

Please, can you try at your end and demonstrate the solution to it?


Can you show me how it can be done in my case. I have tried everything. Select item and click activity do not work even after editing the selector.

Please, can you try at your end and demonstrate the solution to it.


Can you send a link of the application where your drop down box and workflow if any. I can try helping


I have shared the workflow with everyone at the beginning.

Make sure you do not make any changes to the logic in the workflow.

I have already testetd every component. The problem lies only at the end where I have to make a selection from the drop down box after the logic is resolved.

I am using studio version 2018.4.1

Below here is the link to the website:


But I just wanted to confirm once, is it the zone u want to select?
can you tell me which drop down and which option?

@Anusha_Makam have assigned a variable value: “Hong Kong” and I have to match all the items in the drop down with this value.

If matched that particular or and item containing that string will be selected. otherwise. it will throw an error.

Drop down that I am working on is ‘Zone’ and Hong Kong is one of the items in the zone drop down.

Hello ,

This seems to work. Just check this out.
Solution1.xaml (24.6 KB)

Hi @Anusha_Makam

In your logic don’t you think you are selecting item “Hong Kong” manually instead invoking the if Logic.

If I change my variable value to “Kowloon”, Will your existing solution work to select the appropriate item from the drop down box?

I have experienced the same issue just use TypeInto activity as that particular drop down and use send key to hit enter.
I hope it will work as it works for me.



Can you make changes to my workflow and show me it can be be done?

Also, will it work if I change my variable value to “Kowloon” instead of “Hong Kong”?

Dear ,

i think your issue in the t_innerText variable return empty because of the nature of this site using jquery append to append the dropdown , what i mean you need to simulate click at the dropdown fist then get the text value or get attribute,
the below selector will never work because the id is something different than this , check the selector id by inspect element .
webctrl parentid=‘hdx_dijits_form_Select_6_menu’ tag=‘TABLE’ />
webctrl id=‘" + t_option+"’ tag=‘TD’ />

please check this file its work but with static selector
Main.xaml (21.9 KB)

Dear @alialroomi,

can you explain why have you used expletives in your workflow?

Also, what do you mean by “Site rendered” in the if condition?


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