Unable to Identify UI Element for Pop Up Window

Helllo, i would like to get some advice regarding managing pop ups for UiPath.
I have a script whereby i have to click a button, and then click the “ok” in the pop up window. The pop up window is not exactly a window because there is no “x” button to close the window… (not sure if this is the reason why UiPath cant see it).

So i have been failing at the click “ok” step for quite some time. Have tried web recording and error message said that no ui element was detected. tried delay → retry scope to send “enter"hotkey” and the it also did not work.

Anyone has any idea how to remedy this?


  1. Use Image Automation: If UiPath’s selector isn’t able to identify the pop-up, you can use image automation. Take a screenshot of the pop-up, and then use the “Click Image” or “Find Image” activity in UiPath to click the “OK” button.

  2. Use OCR: If the pop-up is not consistent or if none of the above methods work, you can use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to read the text on the pop-up and make decisions based on that. UiPath has activities for OCR, such as “Screen Scraping” or “Get OCR Text”.

Encountering a “no UI element was detected” error in UiPath indicates the automation can’t find the element it’s supposed to interact with or UiElement was changed during the process run. Here are some ways to troubleshoot:

Refine the Selector:

  • Double-check attributes: Ensure the selector accurately targets the element using attributes like ‘id,’ ‘name,’ ‘class,’ etc. Use the UiPath Recorder to help generate a robust selector.
  • Consider dynamic attributes: If the element’s attributes change, use wildcards or UiPath’s Contains operator to account for variations.

Inspect the Application:

  • Wait for element to load: Make sure the element is fully loaded on the screen before attempting to interact with it. Use UiPath’s wait activities like ‘Wait UI Element Exists.’
  • Check for visibility: Verify the element isn’t hidden behind other elements. Use browser developer tools to inspect the element’s visibility.

Alternative Automation Methods:

  • Image Automation: If the element is visually distinct, use the “Click Image” or “Find Image” activity to locate it based on an image screenshot.
  • Screen Scraping: For dynamic content, explore “Screen Scraping” or “Get OCR Text” activities to extract data based on its location or text content.

Additional Tips:

  • Simplify the selector: Start with a basic selector and gradually add complexity to pinpoint the element.
  • Use UiPath Studio features: Leverage the “UiExplorer” tool to visually identify elements and their attributes.
  • Refer to UiPath documentation: The UiPath documentation provides detailed information on selectors and best practices for element identification [UiPath Selector documentation].

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the root cause of the error and adjust your automation workflow to interact with the UI element successfully.