Unable to find the Files/Folder in SharePoint

Am unable to retrieve the file path in the SharePoint using find and folder.
am able to retrieve only the first 200 folders alone , after the count am getting error[not found]
Could any help to get the file path .

Thank in Advance.

Many Thanks,
Anitha anandhan.

Hi @Anitha_Anandhan

I think Some SharePoint APIs have limitations on the number of items returned in a single request. If this is the case, you may need to adjust your query or use a combination of activities to retrieve files and folders.

Hope it helps!!

Hello @pravallikapaluri

I am unable to get any activities retrieves file and folder.
Could you help to fix this limitation.

Many Thanks,
Anitha Anandhan.


Check this tread

Can you explain abit more what activities you are using to get the files from Sharepoint? There is more than one way, some with bugs the others don’t have and vice versa.

hello @Jon_Smith

I am trying to use find file/Folder activated to search the some folder is available in the SharePoint or not .
If incase the folder name is present below 200 count only am get the folder path otherwise its error [Item not found].

Many Thanks,
Anitha Anandhan.

hello @pravallikapaluri ,

am tried with get file methods too getting same error.

Many Thanks,
Anitha Anandhan.

From what package?
Saying that doesn’t give us enough info.

hello @Jon_Smith
Microsoft office 365 Package–>2.4.3 version

Many Thanks,
Anitha Anandhan.

Of what package!!! :sweat_smile:

hi @Jon_Smith

Microsoft office 365 package .

Many Thanks,
Anitha Anandhan.

Ok nice, so connecting via the new Integration Service activities.

There are some issues with these. There are some dumb filters hard coded into them.
I would need to check on this one, but its quite likely they coded in a limit of 200 files to the request being made (this is not a limit on the API, but one UiPath introduced if my guess is correct).

You can sniff the traffic with tools like Fiddler like I did and confirm.

Hello @Jon_Smith ,

Could you please help me to understand is that possible to access the folder more than 200 count?


Why are ypu not using the filter functionality?

You can include a query if you know a part of the name also and get lesser results as well


Like I said, its in my opinion a bug in the current activities. You can confirm in the manner I suggested, I explained how its incorrect in other 365 activities.

Hello @Anil_G ,
Filter functionality method means are you referring to “Find file/Folder” ?
could help to find out the query ?

Thanks in Advance,
Anitha Anandhan.


If you open the properties panel you would see those


If am using Query also am unable to find the folder more than 200 count,

Many Thanks,
Anitha Anandhan.


May I know how areyou finding which folder you need from the list of 200 folders


Hi ,
not from 200 folder,
In my SharePoint am contains around 2000 folder i am trying to get the folder path which is in 700 count .

Many Thanks,
Anitha Anandhan.