First use CV Screen Scope then use CV get text. It is more reliable if the position of element on your PDF is not changing then you can use CV activities.
Hi @Aishwarya_Bhargava
Can you please share your current approach?
Have you used IntelligentOCR activities or the Document Understanding module available through ML models on Cloud?
Instead of going into more complexity simple use Computer vision activities install CV activities package into your studio and use first CV Screen scope then use CV get text. I have seen your pdf files and they are stable so no need for using complex method like ML models on Cloud etc…
IntelligentOCR, on the other hand, can produce stellar results without much upfront effort or time investment.
You can also easily map tables for extraction with relative ease. See this section for a demo of table selection during IntelligentOCR training.
the problem i am facing with document understanding is that, that the none of the data is getting recognized and captured to be verified in human validation center
You just need to make one change.
The output of Extraction Scope - extractionResults is not being passed to the Validation Station.
I made that one change and could see results as shown above.
The ML extractor (or any other extractor which you use to train) should then pass the extraction details to validation. Otherwise, the extraction step is basically not doing anything productive as its results are never used.
yes that clears a lot of things thankyou
but i have a question, how can i get the table extracted, like i want all the rows information, how can i get it, and in some of the cases the table is spread in 2 pages
In my reply above, I have quoted the link to Intelligent Form Extractor.
Please scroll down to the section Configuring a template with table selection.
The gifs provided in this section explain how to easily extract a table.
For multi-page documents, I haven’t worked much on those. Although going by info in the same article, you should be able to use ‘Page 1 Matching Info’ and ‘Page 2 Matching Info’ to your advantage.
In my experience, when the documents get complicated, such as tables spanning across multiple pages, an advanced data extraction platform such as ABBYY or UiPath’s Document Understanding module is ideal to achieve maximum accuracy.
IntelligentOCR is still developing, but some of its limitations will probably stay the same, given that Document Understanding piece is quite capable of achieving these results accurately.
@Ioana_Gligan May we have an expert weigh in here?