Unable To Create New Attended Robot In Orchestrator As License Is Already Occupied By The Previously Deleted Attended Robot

- Unable to create a new Attended Robot in On-Premises Orchestrator as license is already occupied by the previously deleted Attended Robot. - All Attended Robots are removed from Orchestrator but license is still occupied. - Not able to release attended License to a new Robot.

Issue Description: Unable to create a new Robot of "Attended"/Any other type which was removed/changed to different type but however still consumes a license/runtime on Orchestrator.

  1. User consuming License on Licenses section:

  1. Robot not visible in Robots section in Orchestrator:

Root Cause:

Robot of "Attended" / Any other type is stuck in the database and hence consuming License.


  • Robot of "Attended" type is stuck in the database and still consumes the license / runtime.

  1. To troubleshoot the issue open the SQL server instance -> execute below SQL queries -> check for existence of the information on deleted Robot / user occupying the license in Database.

select * from dbo.RobotLicenses where RobotType = 1


select * from dbo.Robots where UserName = 'domain\username'

  1. List of Robot types:

  1. Locate the User information:

  1. Flip the user License using the below commands * (Use any of the below ) :
    • Illustration 1:

Update [UiPath].[dbo].[RobotLicenses]
Set Enabled = '0'
Where RobotType='2' and RobotId = '5'

  • Illustration 2:

Update [UiPath].[dbo].[RobotLicenses]
Set Enabled = '0'
Where RobotType='2' and Key='value'

*Based on the number of Users and type of Licenses, the Update query shall be amended accordingly.