Unable to create Attended Robot in Modern Folder

Hi All!

I’ve been trying to use Orchestrator Manager(Orchestrator Manager - RPA Component | UiPath Marketplace) for migrating from classic to modern folder.
I have 2 attended robots and I need to migrate them. What is important, AD users of these robots do not have mailboxes, so I’m not able to add them as regular users in Orchestrator.
When I was using Orchestrator Manager, I got the following error:

What is more, I tried Migration option and I got the error:

Is it true that the manager is not allowing us to create robots in modern folders? If so, then it is lacking a very important feature regarding the migration.

Thank you very much for your help!

Hi Marta,
In the manual, you will find a section “Migration of Classic Folders to Modern Folders”.
The second prerequisite explained in that section is as follows:

Modern Folders do not defined Robots as an independent entity. Instead, they are associated with Users at tenant level, and those Users should be included in the appropriate Folders. Because of this, it is necessary to setup Users before the migration, adding new Users if necessary and enabling their Robots with the appropriate usernames and Robot settings. Note that for Orchestrator Manager to migrate a Robot from a Classic Folder to a Modern Folder, the
username defined for a User’s Robot (Figure 14) must match the username used by the Robot migrated from the Classic Folder (Figure 15).

As for your question:

Is it true that the manager is not allowing us to create robots in modern folders?

In classic folders, standard Robots were defined as the association of a user and a machine. This concept no longer exists in modern folders. Instead, both users and folders need to be associated to a folder, and each user configured to enable either attended, unattended, or both robot capabilities.

So does it mean that I will not be able to create an attended robot in my case (AD user does not have mailbox and therefore I’m not able to receive invitation link to Orchestrator)?
I tried adding a robot from Robot accounts secion in Admin pane, but by default unattended robot is created.

Not being familiar with your setup, this is a question that I cannot answer with certainty.
I can only point you to the Tenant’s “Manage Access” tab and edit your user to check if the Attended Robot is enabled in the Robot Settings.
The details of how to setup for attended automation can be found in the documentation: