Unable to create Assets using UiPath (HTTP request)

Hello Everyone,

I am unable to create an assets with the help of UiPath activity(HTTP Request).
However I am able to create the same using postman.
Here I am using the UiPath Community version Studio 2024.2.1

I am getting this below error.

“message”: “assetDto must not be null”,
“errorCode”: 0,
“traceId”: “00-cf74988bd22f68e7572af82bfa3512a1-18240d27bc22185b-00”



Make sure you are passing all the arguments & parameters.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hi @ashokkarale ,

Thankyou for your response.
I tried by passing all the Arguments & Parameters as suggested by you but still I an getting the same error.


“message”: “assetDto must not be null”,
“errorCode”: 0,
“traceId”: “00-6dbc34a878e8187457f2a5e6d0a846a8-e0b6355e87f6c23f-00”

Hi @shivam.kale

Please try by passing payload in body. Let me know if it worked!

Thankyou @dipti.ranjan Its working.

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