Unable to click on pop up window to save/download pdf file


When I click on the download button a pop comes where I need to select the radio button to save it and click ok by default it will be saved in the downloads folder. But, It was unable to find the UI element. I tried using Attach Window, Attach Browser and Get Active Window still not working.

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Set the browser to auto-download to that folder. Then you don’t have to deal with this popup.

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Hi @Madhavi_Puliraju,

You have this option to set the default download folder as @postwick mentioned above.

But, if you still want to choose the location you must change your selector to be more generic.

Intead of using this part: <wnd app='Firefox.exe' cls='MozillaDialogClass' title='Opening bulk_print_output_2_10_2022_8 10_PM.pdf'> (This selector will only work properly if the filename is exactly bulk_print_output_2_10_2022_8 10_PM.pdf, for any other filename it will throw exception)

try using: <wnd app='Firefox.exe' cls='MozillaDialogClass' title='Opening *.pdf'>
or even (if you need to download not only pdf files): <wnd app='Firefox.exe' cls='MozillaDialogClass' title='Opening *'>


Thank you @postwick and @gustavo.cervelin for your solutions. I have set the Firefox browser to auto download.

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