I have 5 constant columns and multiple rows of data and I want to paste the entire table data in Outlook Body. Number of rows data is dynamic. How can i copy the entire data table to outlook using HTML dynamically?
Uploaded sample data file for reference.
Thanks in advance.
Sample Data.xlsx (9.5 KB)
(Srinivas Kadamati)
March 2, 2020, 11:45am
Hi @anuradha_puligoti
Check below post for your reference
Wow thank you so much for the insight! I started building my own process but I got inspiration from your post to make it more dynamic and applicable for other developers. I’ll definitely be creating this and adding it to my company’s library.
Thanks for the reply
Hope this helps
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@anuradha_puligoti Please use this workflow and pass the datatable as input argument .
Thanks and Regards,
Rohith Pradeep
EmailWithTableBody.xaml (7.5 KB)
Thank you Very much.Issue has been resolved.