Unable get added local packages in Manage Packages

ManagePackages.docx (94.7 KB)
Hello All,

I attached a word file above that contains screenshots of my problem.

I have added the local package folder in the Manage Packages but I am unable to see them in the Manage Packages after being added.

Looking for help.


Hello @NayabImran

What studio version are you using and what project type is it?

The problem is most likely cause by the difference in .Net version of the package and your project. If you’re usng Studio 22.10.1-22.10.3 you won’t be able to see .Net4.x packages when you open Windows project. Vice-versa you won’t be able to see the .Net6.x packages when you open them in Windows-Legacy project.

If you’re using marketplace libraries then it’s most likely that you won’t be able to use them with Windows(.Net6.0) projects.

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Hello @GT_Ropa,

Thanks for reply.

Kindly find the details below.

I am using UiPath 2022.10.3 Community and .net 6.

If that is the case then how I can perform this practice UiPath Academy. Because it is already shared in UiPath Academy.

Is there anyway to practice using same files.

Thanks for your time.


Sorry I cannot open the link. Could you share the screenshot?

Here are the files below
User Interface Automation in StudioX - Input Documents - Using the Object Repository.zip (708.4 KB)

Hi @NayabImran and welcome to the Uipath Forum
This is most likely a compatibility issue.
If the package is developed in Windows Legacy and the current Uipath project is Windows, then the library won’t show in Studio.
Try to create a new project of Windows Legacy type and check again.
Let me know how it goes :slight_smile:

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Hi @NayabImran

Welcome to the community

So open a new UiPath process and while stating select the below option and then these packages would be visible



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Hello @Emira and @Anil_G,

Thanks, both of you.

Helped a lot with your reply.


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