UIPath with BrowserStack

Hi all

Is there anyone success to connect the simulator of BrowserStack, Please tell the new method to connect the devices. I have learn from the video :Mobile Automation in Uipath with BrowserStack | UiPath Test Suite Mobile Automation | RPA Uipath - YouTube, but I found that information is too old that I can get the the app value of capability

Hi @vivachen ,

You will connect to Browserstack real devices using Appium URL(http://username:Access key@hub-cloud.browserstack.com/wd/hub) and App ID, I think same way will work for Simulators also

You will find Username and Access key in browserstack Summary Page

Thank you for your help, but still miss a parameter(app value of browserstack), it seems that need to upload the app to the server and get the value. but I found no upload function for getting the app value

Check this video: How to test a .apk file using BrowserStack App Live - YouTube
After uploading the app, it should appear in the list and you should be able to get the id that you need (that bs://[id])
Or you can upload the app using their API: Upload & manage apps using Appium via App Automate API | BrowserStack Docs (the id is included in the response)

Click on App Automate there you will Upload option. Upload your apk or ipa files, It will generate the ID, Use that ID in capabilities of UiPath MDM

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