How to automate installed mobile app using UIpath studio?

Here is what I want to automate: starting a mobile app → click on a search box → type in search string → hit search button → scrap the result.

But I have no idea how to connect to the mobile app from UiPath studio (for example, uber app. btw, I am connecting to physical device). The article I read are all using demo APK “TheApp”, but the real app has already installed on the physical phone which I have no clue where to find the APK.

Anyone kindly enlighten.

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Hi @sohyl ,

Refer following documents it might help you.

Mobile Device Manager (MDM), a tool that connects to real or simulated devices through Appium. With the help of Mobile Device Manager, you can record and perform actions, manage devices and applications, run tests, and debug. It supports Android, iOS, and Web for emulators and real devices that are connected through the cloud, your local network, or USB.


Hi, thanks for the reply. I referred to the link you sent and realized where I made the mistake and now it’s fixed. Thanks a lot!

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