Standard problem. It works in production, but not in debug mode.
I inherited the process and I wanted the run it step by step, but I cannot pass this validation step.
Is this problem with studio, dependency or activity?
I removed the deserialize json activity and created again from scratch. It didn’t help.
I used Ctrl+K to create the Object variable from scratch in the activity. I was able to run the process in debug mode, but failed at exactly same place with an error that Onject was not initiated
Please help!
as per error the type of the variable should be jobject instead of object…the difference is because of the .net versions I beleive…is this a migrated process from legacy?
Hard to say. I don’t know its history. Last change in Orchestrator is from a year ago. In the meantime, VM and Studio version changed, so I think this caused such behavior.
As per screenshot it is windows project and in windows projects defining object is an issue for any speicifc type…So try changing the type and it should remove the error
I replaced UiPath.WebAPI.Runtime dependency with UiPath.WebAPI.Activities v1.16.2.
Thanks to that “Type Argument” parameter was present under properties section of DeserializeJson activity.
After selection Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject warning disappeared.
Thanks Sebastian for the tip
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