UiPath v2017.1 SP 1


We have some news for you in case you didn’t already receive the email.

UiPath v2017.1 SP 1 has been released today. :tada:

Below there is a link to the Release Notes where you will get details on the changes: New features and enhancements, Bug fixes and Known issues.

All the user guides have been updated.

Enjoy and feel free to express any opinions :slightly_smiling_face:


The Package Manager Versioning is really a great move :slight_smile: :100: :+1:

The Manage Packages window now supports version selection for installing and updating activities packages. Since all packages feature version control, and older versions are available via a drop-down list, it’s easier to keep track of the evolution of activities
Even Orchestrator API reference also :slight_smile:

keep it up UiPath Team with your great work :slight_smile:



Where is the download link ?

The Community Edition upgrades automatically to the last version(in this case 2017.1.6522).

To answer your question, the download link is the same as before(UiPath). Once you install Studio, you will get the last version.

Orchestrator CE(https://platform.uipath.com) is also updated to the 2017.1.6522 version.


Thank you @ovi


Does the licenced versions update automatic or how does the update happen?


Hi Diether,

Only the Community Edition updates automatically.

The Enterprise Edition can be updated by navigating to the UiPath website and downloading the newest version of the UiPath Platform installer (UiPathPlatform.msi). Running the installer automatically replaces all the old files without modifying any of your settings.

Hey Ovi

Sorry but i can nog find the request trial button on this part of the side or am i searching on the wrong page?


Here is the direct link to request the trial version: Enterprise RPA Platform Trial - Automation Software | UiPath

When can we expect all user guides for v2017.1 SP1 as well as architecture related materials?


As mentioned in the initial post, all the user guides have been updated for the latest version. Regarding the architecture materials, they are no longer public on the forum due to privacy matters. You can raise a ticket to our support and request them: Contact Us | UiPath

You can find the user guides in these posts: