Uipath studio open in read mode

Hi Uipath Support Team,

Please me help to resolve the issue which is i am not able to edit the code in uipath studio. because it is opened in read mode.?

Indrajeet Mothe

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Hi @Indrajeet_Mothe1 can try it by

Close the studio and then open in Run as administrator mode?

Check which license you are using. It seems you are using an Attended license that can only check the Studio project and not make any modifications to it.

We have unattended license running on production that is we wanna trying to update ?

Do you have your Studio project opened from a zip/rar file? If yes, make sure that the first is extracted.

Also, check if the xaml file is set to be read-only. If yes, diable this checkbox.


xaml file showing in read-only. where is the checkbox so that i can disable?

Hi @marian.platonov

its unchecked only but still showing read-only in studio ?

Check this knowledge article UiPath Studio Opens In Read-Only mode

Check your Orchestrator attended license that you are using for connection, it may be that your Studio connected license is not providing you the edit permission for the xaml file.