I am using a non queue transaction in reframework
I want to implement retry mechanism
what are the modifications needed to be done
Hey @Ritaman_Baral
Did you try this?
Hi Ritaman_Baral,
- If you need to build a REFramework project with Tabular Data, then you need to follow this Course.
*If you need to build a REFramework for a linear process or single transaction then you need to follow this Forum.
hi @Ritaman_Baral
If you are using Reframework u can change the retry mechanism by Config sheet only
So if u want to change the “RetryNumberGetTransactionItem” value in config as below:
change the Number in the config file and that will reflect.
I know this…I want to know how the retry mechanism works for non queue item
Just give a number in retry field in constants page of config file
How it works is in retrytransaction.xaml…just see that xaml you will get clarity…
Basically transactionnumber will not be incremented to cut it short