Hi! I need to install Uipath extension for Citrix/windows remote desktop on my client’s computers( windows XP). I could not find hardware and software requirements for this. I only know that Studio and Robot can’t be installed on Windows XP, because it’s too old version. Despite this, can Uipath extension for Citrix/windows remote desktop be installed on Windows XP?
As a first requirement we need to have Studio v2018.4 or greater, which cannot be installed in a windows xp
so i hope we wont be able to install in that with citrix extension
for more details
Cheers @KotaroKo
Thank you, but i was told, that it is not needed studio and robot to be installed on the client’s machine, because i must access the computer remotely and only extension is needed for automation. Is not it possible only extension files to install?
Hmm, i hope for Citrix or even for Windows RDP Extension, we need studio to be installed
because either of them can be installed from studio or with Command prompt
@Pablito, kindly correct me if i m wrong
Hi Guys,
First of all we need to be precise:
- Extension - this is the part which needs to be installed on computer where automation will be developed (computer where studio is being launched to make workflow)
- Runtime - this is the part which needs to be installed on server (citrix worker/remote computer) to which ready robot / final workflow will connect to perform automation
As Robots are based on pretty same requirements that Studio I’m afraid Windows XP will not work with this.
Thank you, guys.
Still it is not clear. Do i need to install studio on remote machine ?
Also is there any security risk if installed UiPath remote runtime component on remote machine ?
Hello, I’m seeking assistance in drafting a risk document for implementing a remote runtime extension. Specifically, I’m interested in identifying the potential risk factors associated with installing the remote runtime extension on a remote server. I’m using the community edition to experiment with accessing remote machine services using Robot, but I need to compile a list of potential risk parameters to share with customers