Uipath OCR Contracts package issue

PDF 3.1.0 package has the dependency on UiPath.OCR.Contracts.1.0.0

In local machine, it’s working as we manually copied the latest version on OCR Contracts package. but when we run from orchestrator, getting below error. Please check it

The feed ‘Official [https://www.myget.org/F/workflow/]’ lists package ‘UiPath.OCR.Contracts.1.0.0’ but multiple attempts to download the nupkg have failed. The feed is either invalid or required packages were removed while the current operation was in progress. Verify the package exists on the feed and try again.

@theerthaks - is your RDP vm having internet connection? is orchestrator connectivity with the vm is fine?

if everything works fine… but still facing the issue…

pls try below workaround - till you figure it out the root cause…

  • you can copy folder ‘UiPath.OCR.Contracts.1.0.0’

from your dev/uat/sit VM path “C:\Users\XYZUSER.nuget\packages” to the respective robot user path “C:\Users\XYZUSER.nuget\packages”

**XYZUSER = robot user folder

once you complete the copy…

pls try to execute the job and check…

if robot raised an error with another dependence packages… pls follow above steps…

Hi Girish,

Resolved the issue by upgrading pdf package to 3.2.2 which has dependency on OCR 2.6.1

The issue was I could copy the nuget OCR 1.0.0. But I’ve not found that package anywhere in my local machine or internet.


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@theerthaks cheers! - you can share steps here how you resolve the issue …it will help other!