UiPath is selecting entire window instead of particular element

Hi All,
I am facing an error where UiPath is selecting the entire window instead of particular elemet. My Browser extension is enabled still getting this error

Hi @marina.dutta

When you are selecting the element can you try to change the UI Framework option


Hope this helps!!


not getting any option to change



Click on UI Framework(F4)


I have clicked still its selecting entire window.


Actually it should work can you try to move the cursor it is not selecting the element…if not can you reindicate that element or Try with Image region selection option

Hi @marina.dutta

With which activity you are indicating the elements in the browser and which browser you are using right now.


I am using GetText and using Chrome Browser.

Okay @marina.dutta

Excluding Get text activity, all other UI activities are working?


no even click activity is same. its selecting entire screen.


Instead of using the Chrome could you try open the same application in Edge and try to indicate the elements.

Hope you understand!! @marina.dutta

Hi @marina.dutta

  1. It works by changing the UI Framework to Default or AA if that doesn’t works try using the Image Region
  2. Try Installing the Extension Once agin after Uninstalling

@marina.dutta this strange behavior could be possible due to change in screen resolution as well. If you are using remote desktop or any virtual desktop try to log off and login again. If it’s happening due to screen resolution it should be resolved this way.

Other option would be the one suggested by @vinitha_yachamaneni - Try Installing the Extension Once again after Uninstalling

Ashok :slight_smile:


Try to indicate in ui explorer and check if it works

Looks like the scope activity is pointing to different window and click you are trying is on different


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