UiPath Integration Service triggers not working properly

I’m trying to start a process by using the trigger feature in UiPath’s Integration Service. I have successfully created a connection with Sharepoint and while creating the trigger I can also see the sites I’m following. However, when I create a trigger with the following settings below and upload a new file to the folder that should trigger, nothing happens.

Any help is appreciated!

Hi @connor.vanheertum

By Default the trigger will be 5 minutes to start, Still you are not seeing that working, you have configured it as Unattended and it is saying 0 Runtimes are available, So can you check in the license that you have enough license and you have assigned the machine to that folder with unattended?


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Hi @Srini84 thanx for your response! I have 3 unattended runtimes available, however at the moment of creating the trigger the runtimes where in use that’s why you’re seeing 0 available. Anyway this should not be an issue for the trigger, because the trigger doesn’t even start the process.

I also changed the polling interval to 2 minutes, but it just won’t trigger.

I am also facing the same issue ,

I have checked by running the bot in attended and unattended .It ran fine without any issue. coonecions are also fine. bot not able to start through connector

I @connor.vanheertum please delete your existing connection and create a another fresh connection , It will work. I did the same issue resolved for me.Thanks