Uipath executor stopped working from Orchestrator

Hi everyone,

I’m getting an error Uipath.executor stopped working as below if I run my process using orchestrator.


When I run it manually from the studio, it works perfectly without any error. When I publish my code to the orchestrator and run it from there, my process will stop working at ‘Create Datatable’ activity and error above will appear. Does anyone know why this is happening?

Error log from Orchestrator: Job stopped with an unexpected exit code: 0xC0000005

Hi @jenkim

Can you go to services.msc and check uipathrobot is in start or stop do restart


Hi @AshwinS2,

I have restarted the uipathrobot but the issue still persist. The same error occur.

Hi @jenkim

Is the xaml you created is the packages installed

Ashwin S

I have installed several other packages e.g. database activity packages.

Does this has anything to do with uipath stopped working?

Hi @jenkim

Can you run the bot in your local machine ? Is there any dependency in your xaml


I have no issue while running using my local machine. This error occur only when I run it using orchestrator after deploy my process there.

Just to update on what I did to fix above error:

Search for Uipath Robot in services > Stop the service > Restart the service.


I’m not sure if this is a reliable solution but this is what I did and it fix the error.

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Has this fixed the issue permanently or is it still the issue for you?

If so, what are your Studio/Robot versions?

After I did as mentioned above, I did not encounter this issue anymore up till today.

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Hello, sorry to ressurect this necropost, but I am experiencing this same issue. The previous solution is not working for me. I am not able to find ‘UiPath Robot’ in services:

I can successfully run robots from UiPath Assistant and directly from Studio. But cannot run robots from Orchestrator (Jobs nor Triggers).

Also, when I try open uipath.executor.exe I get the same error popup (I believe the issue is related):


Any ideas on how to fix this? I’d appreciate any suggestions.