Error: Uipath.Executor has stopped working

Error: Uipath.Executor has stopped working
Hi team,
Bot running through the orchestrator. Meanwhile its getting stopped. Please let me know why and what is the solution for the same.

Installer(.exe or .msi): .exe

License type(Free, Trial/License code):

Studio/Robot version:2018.4.3

Current behavior: Uipath.Executor has stopped working error


Hi @karthick.bose

Have you tried to reinstall the Uipath Studio

Ashwin S

Its a BOT machine . So its having only Uipath Robot.

Hi @karthick.bose

Check whether any activities or UiPath studio are missing in the robot

Ashwin S

Checked all packages . Everything is fine.
Actual scenario is BOT Scrap the data in web eg: 1000records “Datatable” and needs to process with windows and outlook application.

while running good after some records without any exception.

this POP up is throwing by BOT.