UiPath.Credentials.Activities Package Not Found

Encountering a dependency issue with UiPath.Credentials.Activities package.

I tried to uninstall the package and reinstall it but when I search for it to reinstall it cannot be found in the package manager.

My console output shows UiPath trying to fetch the package and search local files for it but doesn’t find anything or the GET request is forbidden. Attached is a screenshot of the console output. Any help is greatly appreciated.


i think we need to install this package UiPath.credentials.activities
its not there and thats the reason for this error

Kindly correct me if i m wrong with the question

Cheers @flexlutherr

Make sure that you have https://gallery.uipath.com/api/v2 listed as a package source. I am able to see the credentials activity package under that source right now.

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Cheers @flexlutherr

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It is listed in my settings. See attachment:

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The package cannot be found in any feed. See Attachment:

as per the image, it seems like you have already and why so

Kindly upgrade the version of that package

Cheers @flexlutherr

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As @Palaniyappan said it looks like your program is looking for an outdated version of the package that is no longer available.

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When trying to update or reinstall package cannot be found. See attachment:

Can you install other packages from the Official feed?

No packages found under official tab. Maybe a network?firewall error? idk…


Almost certainly a network error if you can’t see any packages at all.

i hope we can update being inthe project dependencies itself

Getting HTTP status code: 403 Forbidden Request when fetching package so it must be some kind of network error…?

If you’re part of a company and have an IT department you should contact them. Otherwise check your proxy/firewall/network settings. I’m afraid this isn’t my area of expertise.

Didn’t have network access I needed so I contacted IT team. They were able to install the .nupkg dependencies manually. Thank you all!

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In this cases download the package from nuget and stored them into a folder and reference the the local path settings as we do for custom activities.

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