Uipath.Core.ImageOperationException : Image Not Found - Orchestrator - UiPath

Issue :

Solution :

When you run the job from orchestrator , it connects to Remote Environment with a different screen resolution as compared to the screen resolution you could have used to develop the automation workflow .

You need to apply the same screen resolution settings for the orchestrator to open in .

First develop a workflow to get the screen resolution settings of the development environment.

  • Used “Take Screenshot” activity and “Save Image” activity to capture the screen resolution of the developed environment.

  • Noted the width , height & depth of the screen image.
    - Updated the same settings to UiPath.Settings file “C:\ProgramData\UiPath” & LoginToConsole = false

  • LoginToConsole set to false . In scenarios when RDP is logged off , the robot will be able to create a new separate session of its own .

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What is a screen depth? Can’t seem to find a satisfying answer on Google

Usually the default depth is 32. Never came across a different depth value till date.

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