Hi team,
It seems I’m having an error about the new update version and UiPath Assistant, I’ve a post about it and I’d appreciated if you can reply about this:
Good morning All,
Hope all is well. As you may have may noticed too Studio just Updated to 20.8.0 but, when I open the UiPath Assistant (Executer before) all the processes that were displaying before are not there anymore!
I checked:
•Machine Key is Ok
•URL is good and even toggled with the previous one (https://platform.uipath.com )
•Processes on Orchestrator are still showing as regular basis
•Robot it is connected
•User/Tenant is connected as usual
•PC restarted
•UiPath service is run…
This is the error I’m having:
This part of the Documentation is NOT happening:
Hi, may this will help u!!
@Carlos_Restrepo ,
What a great support, I think is going to help a lot, thx so much.
Will keep you posted how it goes…
Be Safe!
I don’t see the Processes display on your Assistant on the video.
Can you add that part please?.
That is my issue, my Assistant does not display the processes I have and not sure why, if is because I dont have a ‘Modern’ folder or what?
Be safe!
Hi @Carlos_Restrepo ,
The part I don’t get is why I still don’t see any processes on my Assistant. As you can see on ,y Studio I have 3 processes (see IMG below).
Please let me know if I need to make a ‘Modern’ folder and make Processes there so the Assistant will show them?
No one has answered that question
Be Safe!
Hi everyone,
THANK GOD! as always!
RESOLVED!, YES is the answer to my question, I needed a ‘MODERN’ Folder and populate the processes there in order for the Assistant Update to show them.
This is where/how I got the solution:
1- Managing Attended Robots in Modern Folders - YouTube
2- UiPath Assistant Updated Showing No Processes - Feedback!
3- Went from using Machne key to Service URL as the video above also walks through
Thanks to all who helped!
BE Safe!
(Maciej Kuźmicz)
September 7, 2020, 12:44pm
Just for the completion, see these tutorials