Processes not showing after upgrade to 20.10.8

Upgraded from 20.4 to 20.10. Upgraded Orchestrator, Studio, and the Robot. I cannot see any processes in UiPath Assistant now. I have tried both Classic and Modern Folders. Nothing will show up. Keep getting the below error in Event Viewer as well.
Cleared processes: UiPath.Service.Orchestrator.Clients.OrchestratorHttpException: You are not authorized to perform this action!

  • Ensure you have a user in Orchestrator (Local / Domain) matching the user running the UiPath Assistant .
  • Make sure that User is added to the Folders under Tenant > Folders

If you are using Classic Folders

  • Ensure that Assistant / Robot is Connected & Licensed, if not make sure you have a Robot create for your users.

  • Ensure that your Robot is associated with an Environment within the Folder

If you are using Modern Folders

  • Ensure that your User/Group is associated with the Folder
  • Ensure that you are not using a Classic Robot which takes precedence over the Modern Robot.

Thank you for the reply. It is now resolved. Ended up being a security certificate issue.

That would also do it. UiPath including [most[ activities will not connect to a service that it cannot validate the certificate.

When you run into issues like that the Windows Event Viewer Logs should highlight it I believe under Windows Logs > Applications

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