UiPath Apps-Data Service Integration - Part 05A | Single Page with Data Context

In the video that’s just dropped on the #rpavanguard channel, we talk about a UiPath App feature that is hiding in plain sight.

And that feature is the Apps Data Context.

In part 5A of the UiPath Apps and Data Service Integration video series, we start by looking at what a Data Context is and how it works.

This is followed by a Demo with a new UiPath App. This App is a new version of the UiPath App built in the preceding videos of this series, except that it’s a Single Page Application or SPA.

The Part 5A video track covers the following:

  1. 00:00 - Introduction
  2. 00:12 - Prologue
  3. 00:33 - What is Data Context
  4. 05:00 - The Single Page App (SPA)
  5. 08:08 - Data Context in Action
  6. 10:01 - Data Context DELETE in Action
  7. 12:30 - Data Context UPDATE in Action
  8. 14:18 - Normal Insert Operation with no Data Context

Cheers! :+1: