Uipath App Error -"System exception at initialization: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at Source: mscorlib" when running a process from app


There is a process connected to orchestrator and when I am starting the process through the button click of UiPath Apps I am getting this error.

There is config file in the process and using assets from orchestractor as well.
Do UiPath support to run such process through UiPath apps?

Please Help me with this…


first of all please check that your are binding your values correctly

second please check your process without apps and check if its running properly


Check if the value that you want ti fetch from the config file is actually available in the config file or not

  1. Binding value ? you mean the correct process package? Yes process if same which I want to run.

Bot is starting execution when I click the button but throws this error.

  1. Process is running fine without apps.

Yes they are available and it is running fine when I am trying without apps.

@Megha_Devgon ,

Can you try running without input parameter mapping. If run please check one by one. I am sure some input mapping is wrong into process start. Please validate it.
