UiPath Advance certificaion

Hi All,

I want to complete Advance certification in UiPath, can someone guide to complete it.

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Create an account if you don’t have and then enrol for the courses.

  1. Foundation Diploma
  2. Orchestrator
  3. Advanced Diploma

This is the order you have to proceed to complete the advanced certification.

Karthik Byggari


Hello @Rakesh_Tiwari

You can first start off by following the academy courses in the uipath academy.

Foundation training
Level 2 orchestrator training
Level 3 advanced training

These will really help for the certification

Once you have completed these and are comfortable with the stuff, then you can start the certification tests. Certification will have a online quiz and a practical exam.


Foundation certification i have cleared, want to do level 2 that is orchestrator.


For any questions or help regarding RPA UI Path advance certification,feel freet to reach us @nitinsharma22233@gmail.com

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Hi @Rakesh_Tiwari

Welome to Uipath Forum

Start with kindly go for uipath academy
There start with
Level-1 foundation
Level-2 orchestrator
Level-4 advanced training

This will give you full confidence to take business use cases

Then after this you can go for certification with https://certificate.uipath.com .

Kommi Jeevan.

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I noticed that there is no Level 1, 2 and 3 in the UiPath Academy.

Thus, can anyone guide me what is the course name needed to study for the exam?

Thank you.

I am a certified RPA Advance UI path certified developer.For any help and queries regarding UI Path Certification,feel free to reach me @nitinsharma22233@gmail.com
