UiPath Activity GetExchangeMailMessages Failed to Process for an Auto-Reply Email


I’m working on an Outlook 2016 and using UiPath GetExchangeMailMessages activity to retrieve emails. It’s working promising and reading inbox absolutely fine but the issue happened when we receive an auto-reply mail message from the user. The UiPath activity UiPath.Mail.Exchange.Activities.GetExchangeMailMessages failed to get ANY email from the inbox when we have even a single auto-reply mail message. As a result, bot stopped to process and I have to delete the auto-reply from the inbox.

I think it happened because UiPath activity does not consider an auto-reply message as an email message. Can you please help me how I can resolve this issue.

Thanks for your great help.

UiPath Issue


Anyone having the issue while reading the auto reply email or any suggestion how to do it?


Can you help me in how to use getExchangeMailMessage activity. I’m getting error ‘Get Exchange Mail Messages: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.’