UIPath '401' error on web http activity but not on Postman?

I made a successfull htpp get request (OATH 2.0) on post man getting fine xmls data, but not on UIPATH web service activity, my Access token is correct and i replaced with other working tokens and nothing seems to work, all is giving me 40. Why is this happening?


Try using the Key “Authorization” and Value “Bearer Your_Token” in the Headers of your request.

Hi there,
Please advise on how you built the body of the request as XML format? Is each XML node added as a parameter or you parsed the entire request as string in the HTTP request properties?
I’m getting error based on the content type

I got the same issue above but if I follow your step
I will get error with authorization header event it passed in postman

If you still haven’t achieved success, please share the documentation for the api you are trying to connect. There are N variations for these requests, which can vary according to the values sent in the Body, values sent in the header or values sent via query string. There are well made APIs that give you the exact error so you can quickly analyze and identify where the problem is, but there are others that don’t have a minimum of documentation.

I am facing the same issue. Were you able to find the cause

@prernachangulani - This topic is unsolved and ~2 Years old. You should consider opening a new Topic specific to your challenges with the appropriate context and details for another member of the community to assist.