UI Path certification | How do I study?

Hey guys

I am looking to get the uipath certification but am unfamiliar with how I could study for it. Like where can I find training videos or blogs, etc…

Please let me know

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Buddy @Sami_Syed

you can go for UiPath Academy

This will have all the stuffs you need to prepare for uipath certification, the best stuffs as it is meant tobe,
Buddy complete these courses in order that will take you to next level like a babystep,
Level 1- foundation training
Level 2- orchestrator
Level 3 - Advanced training

Before getting to certification make sure you are good at these stuffs,

  1. ReFramework
  2. Orchestrator
  3. Basic, Foundation of uipath
    The reason why added Reframework and orchestrator is you are going to take advanced cerification buddy so its very necessary…
    Moreover try to perform well and seriously in all foundation and other two courses quizes, because they play a major role in your exam as it can give you a idea how the certification exam would be

Certification has two parts,
1 Theoretical - 45 multiple choice questions with 1:30 hr time period
2. Practical - a practical workflow should be upload given with 3:30 hr time period,
You would come to know about this in this website well and good,

Waiting for one more Robot Master, sure you can crack this, uipath provides you the best materials

Hope this would help you buddy,


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Thank you so much !

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Also I believe this is now called Foundation Training?

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Hi Sami,

ReFramework is pertains to Advanced Training in order to get Remote Master badge.

if you satisfy with my answer Please mark as solution.


Exactly buddy.

Cheers keep going

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How long did it take you guys to complete all 3 courses?

And how many hours were you putting in weekly?

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Its all the time we spend buddy. It differs. May be around two weeks


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