UI path assistant runs the project successfully, but I don't see the output file

I ran the project from studio and my output file was saved on my project folder. The same project was published to orchestrator and ran from UI path Assistant, automation completed without any error, but I don’t know where the output file got saved.

I didn’t get the output excel file on my project folder.


check the reference

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Hi @Subramani_Rajendran

Don’t give the file path with in the Project folder, create a folder in your local machine and give the path of the folder then only the file will be saved to that folder, if you run the project from the Orchestrator.

Give the relative path instead of giving Absolute Path,
Absolute Path - “Project.xlsx” don’t give like this
Relative Path - “C:\Users\mkankatala\Downloads\Project” Give like this.

Use the Move file activity to move the file from the InProject folder to the required local folder path.

Hope it helps!!

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Hi @Subramani_Rajendran

Please check on this



Instead of saving the file with a relative path like "output.xlsx" , use an absolute path like "C:\Path\To\Your\Project\output.xlsx" . This ensures that the file is saved to a specific location.

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