Type into error problem


I have one variable
Str= Shiva

I am using type into activity passing variable str, sone times it’s printing siva, sometimes comes correctly Shiva, sometimes it comes like shv so it’s not coming all the time correctly, so how we can achieve this in type into activity to everytime automated come correctly…can you explain this???

Hi @siva_sankar

Could you share the screenshot of the Type Into properties.
You can try these too.

  1. Use Simulate Type or SendWindowMessages: When you use the Type Into activity, you can check the properties like SimulateType or SendWindowMessages. These properties allow UiPath to simulate the typing without relying on the actual keyboard input. Enabling these properties might help in achieving more consistent results.
  2. Use Delay Between Keys: You can try adding a small delay between the key presses by setting the DelayBetweenKeys property in the Type Into activity. This can sometimes help in ensuring that each key is processed correctly.

    You can try using Set Text activity too


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Hey @siva_sankar
I think the best way to avoid any issues with typing text is to use ctrl+v (“[d(ctrl)]v[u(ctrl)]”) instead of typing the value.
You can achieve this:


Hi @siva_sankar,

Thanks for reaching out UiPath Community.

Can you try to add a delay between keys?

sometimes bot executes its actions more often than expected.

Hope this works for you.

Happy Automation,

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Three ways

  1. Use simulate or window messages or chromium api instead of hardware events
  2. Assign to clipboard and then use ctrl+v hot key combination
  3. You can use verify execution option in type into so that it would verify and retry if failed


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