Type in function not translating to web page application

I am having trouble with copying from a Date of Birth Cell that is formatted for date (MM/DD/YYYY) and typing that cell into a field in a chrome browser. For some reason, this field, while typing starts in the middle and finishes at the beginning. True Example Date Of Birth in Excel is 10/14/1956, The result in the web page is 19/56/1014 . I have adjusted the target, copied and pasted from clip board and even tried reformatting the date. I am stuck . Can someone help me out?

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Hey @adam.dickson

This is just my guess.

Looks like the element accepts right left when typing.

Have you tried with simulate option also ?



Welcome to uipath forum

In TYPE INTO activity There is a property called DelayBetweenKeys

Set that with some time in milliseconds around

This will ensure that each characters are entered for sure

And alongside we need to validate the value we get from excel cell
So before passing that to a type into activity pass that to a WRITELINE activity and see what is the value coming in output panel

If that’s the same what is been expected then perfectly fine
If not we need to check with the source file from where we get this input date
To make it correct we can enable PRESERVE FORMAT property in READ RANGE activity

Cheers @adam.dickson

I have tried simulate. No luck.



I tried the “delay between keys” and it doesn’t seem to have a delay even at 80.

I put in a write line step and it is the correct format in the output.

Still no luck.



Then check once by manually entering the value in the same field
And see if it reflects the same

Cheers @adam.dickson

I am not able to adjust the rate that controls “delay between type” after much trial and error. I think that is the answer. I have adjusted the number upto 8000 and I don’t see much difference in the time between digits being entered in.

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Well it actually depends on the value been passed
More the milliseconds more is the time taken for typing each character

So is it resolved now


No. It isn’t resolved yet.

Below is a video of the problem I am having.




Do you have any ideas on what might be happening with the help of this video?



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Hey @adam.dickson

Could you please also record a video by manually typing


Here is an extended multiple attempt version of typing into the DOB field.



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Hey @adam.dickson

Perfect. So are you using Click Before Typing prop in the Type into activity ?
