Hi again,
Please I’m trying to select a specific column in an excel sheet by the name. Does anyone have any idea about how to go about this?
Hi @mayowa.mike-adeogun ,
Are you trying to read specific column from a excel, if so while reading with Read Range activity in the range property you can mention the corresponding Column Name from Excel- like “D1” if that column is in D column of the excel.
Is there a way I can read the data using the Column Name instead of the Range?
Hi @mayowa.mike-adeogun ,
You can read the entire excel data without providing any range in the Read Range activity with “Add Headers” property and then you can use like below
This will return a DataTable which will have only that Column Data
Use this WF.
You give the name of the column you want and it returns the column index so you can do the read range.
Excel_Column_Name_mapping.xaml (10.4 KB)
Read all the file with read range with add headers and:
Thank You!!! This worked
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