trigger;Unattended bot not able to communicate with chrome web extension

Hello everyone,

I am facing one problem so hoping someone can help me.

I have unattended bot running on my RDP but for some reason bot is unable to communicate with the chrome web extension.

If I install the UiPath robot in User mode on the same machine, it works with chrome web extension however if I install in service mode, it is not able to communicate with chrome web extension.

Does anyone have any idea around this?

Thanks in advance,


When installed in service mode did you try starting the process from assistant …even then its not working?

Is the chrome extension installed for the speicific user? if so , is the bot user same?


Hello I did not get your question?
best regards


Search for UiPath assistant in start

you can start process from here as well…can you try starting it


yes , but it is started from here
problem is chrome not assstant robot


What I wanted you to check is if you start the bot from assistant at chrome is it throwing error?

if so can you check if the extension is available and enabled at that time as you are logged in already


Hello, yes robot is unattended , then the trigger works , until arrived in chrome application it ends there , then problem in chrome
can’ t see how we resolve problem


are there any organization wide settings that are blocking firewall?


Hello all,

I used RDP to acess into the vm server
I installed studio as user service , and it is working my robot unattended , And i switch into mode service and robot start execution , but when there is open browser chrome he is not able, without any erros ,

any solution please?

Best regards

Duplicate topic: trigger;Unattended bot not able to communicate with chrome web extension


Try to uninstall the browser extension & install the latest version of browser then install the extension, it will work


i did the unistallation, but same issue

when I execute from studio it is working

from UiPath robot unattended as service mode problem

Best regards


Have you tried with uninstalling the browser?


not working also

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