Transfer data from multiple excel sheets to one excel file

Hi guys, please help. I have difficulty on this one.
I am dealing with hundreds of sheets
I want to transfer the data from multiple excel sheets (sheet.xlsx) into 1 excel file (monitoring.xlsx).
I already created a process on this one but it just outputs repeatedly everything.
This is my sample excel files.
MONITORING.xlsx (202.1 KB)
Sheet.xlsx (23.8 KB)

and the output should be like this…


How about the following sample? (293.3 KB)


Hi yoichi-san,

can you possible make it on Studio X?
because right now I’m using Studio X and I’m not familiar with studio

They have the same headers? Why not:

For each excel in excelfiles
if index = 0 → read range with headers to dt
else → read range without headers to dt
merge to dtMonitoring

Write dtMonitoring?

how can i merge the read range ?
can u give a guide?

Why does my datatable outputs like this ?

instead of the value of the read range, the sheet range is outputting.

Can you try the following sample?

Sample (340.5 KB)


Activities panel → Excel app scope-> read range → option with/Without headers

Activities panel → Merge datatable.
1st Datatable you read the range into the final datatable. Specify from which sheet you want to read and where the headers or the table start the read range cell.
Example if the headers start at the cell B6 read the range from it.

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