Trace level log not visible

I cant see any trace level logs if the automation is run from orchestrator or assistant, but i can see error level logs

Hi @jack.chan

In the orchestrator can please check the filter option that you have selected or not.


Hi @jack.chan

What is the log level you selected in the assistant or orchestrator setting?.

If the trace is selected, you can find trace-level logs and other logs above trace.

Hi @jack.chan

trace level logs -> It seem to be display all the level of logs


Hello @jack.chan ,
Refer to this thread, you may get some idea.

its the default filter, which is supposed to show trace level and above

This is because the user settings is changed,
You can go to orchestrator>Tenent>Manage Access> Select 3 dots for the user assigned > select edit> click on Robot settings > change the logging level to trace


@jack.chan ,
After changing this try running the process once again and check the logs

@jack.chan ,
Does that solved your issue?

If yes , please provide as solution so that it would be helpful for others too


they are checking whether its working, but i think it should be the solution. thanks

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