

Hi @yt.yutao

You can use the Retry scope activity to check the enter works or not.
If when you hit on enter it will show any reference element then it will help for us to click the next enter.

The retry scope has two blocks one is Action and another is Condition.
In the Action block give the Keyboard shortcuts to hit on Enter.
In the Condition block give the Element exist activity and indicate the Reference element.

Open the Retry scope activity properties, give the Number of retries as 3. we take 3 for at most hitting enters.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @yt.yutao

    Assign MaxEnterCount=3
    Assign CurrentEnterCount=0
    While  CurrentEnterCount < MaxEnterCount
        SendHotkey Key="[k(enter)]" 
        Assign CurrentEnterCount=CurrentEnterCount + 1

Hope it helps!!

Hi @mkankatala

I used the Retry scope activity earlier, but it didn’t work properly. Pressing Enter for the first time worked fine, but when the conditions changed after pressing Enter for the second and third time, I added a Retry scope activity, which didn’t work. If you do not need to press Enter, an error will be reported when judging the Retry scope activity that is pressed enter for the first time.

Hi @pravallikapaluri

Like this?


Yes but the variables are of integer data type

Hi @pravallikapaluri

The operation of pressing enter is normal, but it does not continue the following action, and stays in While. May I ask what is the problem? Thank you!



另外不建议使用 enter 回车来完成输入,是不是可以根据下一步 所加载页面 的特定元素是否存在,来建立子流程?


这个就简单了,直接在SAP logon的选项里,把 脚本告警的两个 选项去掉,

我都是把这几个notice 关闭掉的,最多在必要时 获取左下角的SAP 服务器返回信息,获取单据号之列的,UiPath 的应用组件里,有SAP专用的获取状态信息组件

我就是关掉的,按回车就是为了消除您说的那个左下角的SAP 服务器返回信息

