업데이트 후 정상적으로 작동되던 프로그램이 정상적으로 작동되지 않습니다

업데이트 후 정상적으로 작동되던 프로그램이 정상적으로 작동되지 않습니다.
무엇이 문제일까요?

자꾸 디렉토리에 없다고 하는데 지정은 맞게 되어 있거든요.
몇번으 해보아도 안되네요.

The program that used to work normally after the update does not work normally.
What’s the problem?

They keep saying it’s not in the directory, but the designation is correct.
I can’t even try it a few times.

Hi @sooyeon_Lim

in the meantime, can you try deleting and drag and drop the secuence again?

Deleting that sequence again and resetting that workflow fails to load it.
You can copy the process and enter it into a new process to load the process. What’s the problem?

Hi @sooyeon_Lim

Let’s rename the folder! specifically, remove the numbers and periods in the directory path. Then try again.



After the latest upgrade your path ideally shpuld not contain any periods(.) …so please try removing the periods and try to run the bot and it should work as normal. This is specifically applicable for xaml path that we specify
